struct RPM::TagData::ReturnTypeBin


Binary type for TagData

NOTE The raw representation of binary data is same to array of UInt8. RPM does not provide a way to obtain the pointer directly, and we need to convert back from string representation.

Included Modules

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from struct RPM::TagData::ReturnTypeBase

detach detach, format(io : IO, index : Int, fmt : TagDataFormat)
format(index : Int, fmt : TagDataFormat)
format(io : IO, fmt : TagDataFormat)
, return_type return_type, size size, tag tag, tag=(tag : Tag | TagValue) tag=, to_a to_a, to_unsafe : RPM::LibRPM::TagData to_unsafe, type type, unsafe_fetch(index : Int) unsafe_fetch

Constructor methods inherited from struct RPM::TagData::ReturnTypeBase

new new

Instance Method Detail

def bytes(&block : String, Char?, Char? -> _) #

Generates binary data from hexadecimal string representation.

Yield block if the string representations contains error.

  • First block argument is always converted string.
  • If the string length reported by upstream API is odd, both Char arguments are nil.
  • Otherwise two Chars will be each slice of the string, but second Char can be nil if it is '\0'.

Returns the result of block if error.

NOTE The type will be ignored. So if a string data consists

  of hexadecimal characters (ex: `aa`), it will convert to
  binary (here `Bytes[0xaa]` will be returned).

NOTE This method is intended to use for TagType::BIN data.

  So `0x` or `0X` prefix is prohibited, which never be
  appeared for `TagType::BIN` data.

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def bytes #

Generates binary data from hexadecimal string representation.

Raises IndexError if the length of the string is an odd number.

Raises TypeCastError if the string contains non-hexadecimal character

NOTE The type will be ignored. So if a string data consists

  of hexadecimal characters (ex: `aa`), it will convert to
  binary (here `Bytes[0xaa]` will be returned).

NOTE This method is intended to use for TagType::BIN data.

  So `0x` or `0X` prefix is prohibited, which never be
  appeared for `TagType::BIN` data.

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def bytes? : Bytes? #

Generates binary data from hexadecimal string representation.

Returns nil if the string representation is not valid.

NOTE The type will be ignored. So if a string data consists

  of hexadecimal characters (ex: `aa`), it will convert to
  binary (here `Bytes[0xaa]` will be returned).

NOTE This method is intended to use for TagType::BIN data.

  So `0x` or `0X` prefix is prohibited, which never be
  appeared for `TagType::BIN` data.

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def size #

rpmtdCount should always returns 1 too.

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def to_a : Array(Bytes) #
Description copied from struct RPM::TagData::ReturnTypeBase

Respond to Indexable#to_a

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