abstract struct RPM::TagData::ReturnTypeBase


Base class of ReturnType classes.

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def self.new #

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Instance Method Detail

def detach #

Deallocates the tagdata.

This method modifies self.

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def format(io : IO, index : Int, fmt : TagDataFormat) #

#format and write to IO

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def format(index : Int, fmt : TagDataFormat) #

Format the TagData at current index in given format.

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def format(io : IO, fmt : TagDataFormat) #

Format the TagData to a string also represents array and empty TagData, and send to given IO.

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def return_type #

Returns the return type pf TagData

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def size #

Returns the number of elements in the tagdata.

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def tag #

Returns the tag value.

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def tag=(tag : Tag | TagValue) #

Sets tag value.

NOTE RPM allows to change tag value only to same type. If not, this method raises TypeCastError.

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abstract def to_a #

Respond to Indexable#to_a

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def to_unsafe : RPM::LibRPM::TagData #

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def type #

Returns the type of TagData

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abstract def unsafe_fetch(index : Int) #

Respond to Indexable#unsafe_fetch

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