class RPM::Problem::NewFileConflict


Problem indicates there is a file conflict between packages going to be installed.

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class RPM::Problem

==(other) ==, alt_nevr alt_nevr, alt_nevr? alt_nevr?, dup dup, finalize finalize, key key, number number, pkg_nevr pkg_nevr, pkg_nevr? pkg_nevr?, str str, str? str?, to_s(io) to_s, to_unsafe : RPM::LibRPM::Problem to_unsafe, type type

Class methods inherited from class RPM::Problem

create(type, pkg_nevr, key, dir, file, alt_nevr, number)
create(type, pkg_nevr, key, alt_nevr, str, number)
, for(ptr : LibRPM::Problem, **opts) for

Constructor Detail

def self.for(pkg1 : Package | String, pkg2 : Package | String, path : String, key : String? = nil) : NewFileConflict #

Create NEW_FILE_CONFLICT problem with given packages

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Instance Method Detail

def left_package #

Returns a package which has conflict

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def path #

Returns the file path which is conflicting.

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def right_package #

Returns another package which has conflict

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