class RPM::Package


RPM Package Header data container

Defined in:


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Class Method Detail

def self.create(name : String, version : Version) #

Creates a new package header with given name and version

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def #

Open existing RPM Package file

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def, *, transaction : Transaction) #

Open existing RPM package file, using existing transaction

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Instance Method Detail

def [](tag) #

Get the value of given Tag directly.

Raises KeyError if given Tag is not found.

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def []?(tag) #

Get the value of given Tag directly.

If given Tag is not found, returns nil.

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def changelogs #

Get the list of Changelogs.

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def conflicts #

Get the list of "Conflict" dependencies.

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def file_paths : Array(String) #

Get the list of file paths.

Handy function for getting file paths. Since RPM stores basename and dirname separately, this method concatenate them to represents list of fullpaths.

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def files : Array(RPM::File) #

Get the list of files with extra metadata.

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def finalize #

Cleanup the handle to package header.

The package header does not seem to depend to the external resources (fd for the file or DB). So calling this method is not mandated.

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def get_tagdata(tag : Tag | TagValue, *, flags : HeaderGetFlags = HeaderGetFlags::MINMEM) #

Get TagData for given Tag.

Raises KeyError if the given tag is not found.

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def get_tagdata(tag : DbiTag, **opts) #

Get TagData for given Tag.

Raises TypeCastError if the given tag is not valid for Tag. Raises KeyError if the given tag is not found.

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def get_tagdata?(tag : Tag | TagValue, *, flags : HeaderGetFlags = HeaderGetFlags::MINMEM) #

Get TagData for given Tag

Returns nil if the given tag is not found.

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def get_tagdata?(tag : DbiTag, **opts) #

Get TagData for given Tag

Returns nil if the given tag is not found, or not valid tag.

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def instance #

Returns header instance

If this instance is from rpmdb, returns the rpmdb record number. Otherwise returns 0.

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def name #

Returns the name of package.

Shorthand for calling #[] with Tag::Name.

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def obsoletes #

Get the list of "Obsolete" dependencies.

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def provides #

Get the list of "Provide" dependencies.

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def requires #

Get the list of "Require" dependencies.

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def signature #

Returns the signature string

Returns the signature string with hexadecimal charactors. Returns the string (none) if not set.

If you want a binary data, you may use #with_tagdata(Tag::SigMD5) and TagData#bytes. But it just converts back to binary from this hexadecimal character representation.

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def sprintf(fmt) #

Format a string with package data

The format is same to the --queryformat argument in rpm -q: for example, %{name} will be replaced with the name of the package and %{version} will be replaced with the version of the package.

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def to_unsafe : RPM::LibRPM::Header #

Returns pointer to header to deal with librpm C API directly.

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def with_tagdata(*tags, **opts, &) #

Get TagData(s) for given Tag(s), yield them and then cleanup them.

Returns the result of given block.

Raises KeyError if one of tags is not found. In this case, the block will not be yielded.

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def with_tagdata?(*tags, **opts, &) #

Get TagData(s) for given Tag(s), yield them and then cleanup them.

Returns the result of given block.

If some of tags are not found, this method pass nil for them.

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