class Allegro::AllocatedUString


Allegro-friendly UTF-8 String

This is used for that needs deallocation, or generated string by Allegro library

Included Modules

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Allegro::UString

<=>(str : String)
<=>(str : AnyUString)
, ==(str : String)
==(str : AnyUString)
, =~(regex : Regex) =~, [](range : Range) : AllocatedUString
[](index : Int32) : Char
[](start : Int, count : Int) : AllocatedUString
, []?(start : Int, count : Int) : AllocatedUString?
[]?(index : Int32) : Char?
[]?(range : Range) : AllocatedUString?
, byte_at(index, &)
, byte_at?(index) byte_at?, byte_index(byte : Int, offset = 0) : Int32? byte_index, bytes bytes, bytesize bytesize, dup : AllocatedUString dup, size size, to_s
to_s(io : IO)
, to_slice(size : Int = self.bytesize, *, copy = true) to_slice, to_utf16 to_utf16

Class methods inherited from module Allegro::UString

build(&) build, from_utf16(slice : Slice(UInt16)) : AllocatedUString from_utf16

Constructor Detail

def self.from(string : String) : AllocatedUString #

def #

Instance Method Detail

def <<(str : AnyUString) #

Append string

def <<(str : String) #

Append string

def <<(chr : Char) #

Append single char

def finalize #

def to_unsafe : Allegro::LibCore::Ustr #

Returns pointer to ALLEGRO_USTR